
大学提供各种各样的资源, services and support to the campus community to help prevent and respond to any type of sexual assault or misconduct. 这些重要议题在全国范围内都得到了强调, 我们不断地教育学生, 教师 and 工作人员 about the resources available to them on our campus.



十大老品牌网赌大全ct程序 provides a central location for information about reporting sexual misconduct and other issues.

十大老品牌网赌大全ct is a campaign created as part of 十大老品牌网赌大全’s commitment to raise awareness and promote prevention of sexual violence. 任何学生, 教员或职员, applicant or campus visitor who has concerns about sexual harassment or sexual violence, 包括性侵犯, 家庭暴力, 跟踪, 约会暴力, is encouraged to seek the assistance of an appropriate University official. 除此之外, the comprehensive 十大老品牌网赌大全ct campaign designates multiple reporting options across campus. 的se officials include designated harassment resource officers from all colleges and 部门, 第九条办公室, 学生行为办公室, 平等机会项目主任, 学生主任办公室, 大学警察, and a 24-hour Hazing and Harassment Hotline (205-348-HALT (4258)).


(205) 348-5454

十大老品牌网赌大全PD provides a comprehensive array of law enforcement services 24 hours a day, 一年365天,通过90名忠诚的员工宣誓, 国家委任的警察. 大学警察的工作对象 塔斯卡卢萨县的暴力犯罪特别小组, which has jurisdiction for all investigations of sexual assaults that occur in the county. From spring 2016 to present 十大老品牌网赌大全PD has provided more than 250 training presentations to some 15,360 学生 about the following topics: sexual assault awareness/ prevention, 对酒精和毒品的教育/认识, 人身安全.



(205) 348-5040


受害者辩护律师24小时随叫随到, 包括周末和节假日, 为危机干预和支持. To access the on-call victim advocate after hours or on the weekend call 十大老品牌网赌大全PD at 205-348-5454 and request the WGRC on-call advocate.

  • 医院伴奏
  • 安全房屋位置
  • 缺课的学术干预 & 考试
  • 紧急接收危机干预,无需预约
  • 帮助探索法律 & 司法的选项
  • 信息 & 推荐
  • 协助罪行受害人申请赔偿

Counseling services are available with a 工作人员 therapist or a qualified graduate level counseling intern.

  • 免费的 & 保密的个人咨询和治疗
  • 受害者/幸存者和其他教育支持团体
  • 为受害者的家人和朋友提供危机咨询/支持


的 教育 Coordinator and other WGRC 工作人员 members are available to schedule special events or speak to student organizations, 类, and other venues on a variety of topics related to sexual assault and abuse, 其他形式的人际暴力, 旁观者干预, 以及一些相关的话题. Contact the center via phone or e-mail to make a request or discuss options.

WGRC also provides Harbor training sessions at the request of individual campus 部门 or open sessions scheduled through Human 资源. 如需安排港口训练,请填写 港口培训申请表格.


(205) 348-3863

的 University’s Counseling Center employs counselors available to provide services to 学生 affected by sexual misconduct and sexual assault. It offers one-on-one counseling and outreach programming on any topic relevant to mental health that has an impact on the success and well being of our 学生. Formats include lectures, presentations, panels, events, displays, and more. Programs are provided by seasoned mental health professionals with over 250 years of collective experience.

Ulifeline 包含许多面向亚利桑那大学学生的心理健康资源. 学生 may access these free and anonymous resources to learn more about mental health in general and also answer questions they may have about themselves or their friends. 免费的 online mental health screenings are available through Ulifeline as well.


(205) 348-6262

的 学生健康中心 provides efficient access to quality, caring healthcare services and promotes student health and wellness. 的 SHC employs two psychiatrists who provide evaluations and assist with medications on a referral basis.


(205) 348-5496

第九条办公室与大学行政部门合作, 部门, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校园警察, and other support services to ensure that University policies and programs foster a campus community free of illegal gender discrimination and sexual violence.

Accommodations may be provided to all individuals involved in a Title IX Investigation, 包括医疗服务, 咨询服务, 学术支持, 住房的支持, 保护订单, 安全计划, 就业援助, 并提交学生行为投诉. 另外, 第九条办公室 will assist complainants in notifying 十大老品牌网赌大全PD or local law enforcement if requested.

的 Office also provides training to the campus community through a number of avenues.


印刷的和在线的 安全生活指南 publication provides relevant information on resources about preventing and reporting sexual assault, as well as services provided to those affected by any type of sexual misconduct.



1601 University Blvd East 150套房
205 - 860安全(7233)

塔斯卡卢萨安全中心提供免费的, 富有同情心的, patient-centered environment for sexual assault forensic examinations. 它是以社区为基础的, 合作机构设计,以满足情感, 性侵犯幸存者的医疗和法医需求.


2110 McFarland Blvd E.,套件

拐点 provides free direct services to both victims and survivors of 家庭暴力 and sexual assault as well as affected family members. It also strives to build awareness and offer information to prevent violence and promote healthy relationships


Ua安全应用 provides 学生 and employees with immediate access to information in case of an emergency, including ability to quickly contact campus and area law enforcement agencies. http://ready.apipros.net/safety-app/

应急电话: 的 bright blue emergency phones around campus are clearly marked, 每个都是十大老品牌网赌大全PD通信中心的直接线路. 不需要拨号. 遇到紧急情况时,按红色按钮. 参考 在线校园地图 (select public safety, then check the box for Blue Phones) for emergency phone locations. Most passenger elevators on campus have emergency lines that operate the same way as the emergency phones. Push the red button marked “Emergency” and a 十大老品牌网赌大全PD communications operator will answer.

校园照明: 校园内有安全的照明路线. An after-dark walking route map containing enhanced lighting paths on campus is available at http://saferliving.apipros.net/safety-on-campus/.